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About Us

Hostbridge takes care of you, and your online services

We're a small team but with big hearts, and even bigger ambitions to make all of our clients feel special.

Just a little thought, can go a very long way

What we do isn't rocket science, but it's definitely a specialist set of skills and can get confusing if we're not careful.

We make a judgement, and often ask about the level of technical understanding as we communicate with our clients. That way we can tweak our language accordingly to make it easy to understand.

Kicked off with 2 clients

Domain names managed

Hosting experts

Technology Partners


Core values

Keep it simple

Not everyone is technical, sometimes we'll need to slowly and avoid 


Easy to understand and itemised invoices, clear communication, simple contracts, no nonesense.

Customer focused

No promises we can't keep, transparency at all times, honesty and integrity.


We're not always first but we are early adopters for sure. We won't use anything thats not tried and tested.


Stronger together for sure, love working in a team but also awesome on our own.


Still a relatively new topic in the hosting world, but we can all make a difference and we'll share our insights frequently.


We have several clients happy to answer your questions about our services, just let us know and we'll put you in touch.